Rhode Island Career Resource Network
The Rhode Island Career Resource Network (CRN), part of America’s Career Resource Network, provides support to career guidance and academic counseling programs in schools and community and government agencies. The CRN makes available to students, parents, and educators information and planning resources that relate educational preparation to career goals and expectations. It equips educators with the knowledge and skills needed to assist students and parents with career planning. It assists appropriate state entities with career-related educational resources and training, and improves coordination and communication among administrators and planners of related programs.
The Rhode Island Career Resource Network Programs:
A) The Career Information Delivery System (CIDS) supports computer programs for elementary school through adult for use in career planning. The programs include in-depth information on legal and other occupations and related post-secondary education.B) The Licensed Occupation Information System provides on the Internet summaries of requirements for licenses required by the state, including the Attorney and Counselor.C) The Real Game series, which provides classroom activities for grades 3 through adult, provides experience in a simulated real world setting to develop an understanding of the world of work and the individual’s relationship to it.D) Career Videos, produced by the New Jersey Department of Labor, provide short videos of persons at work in various occupations, including attorneys and paralegals. These are available from the CRN.E) Facilitating Career Development is a 120-hour program for professionals and paraprofessionals who assist students/clients with career or education planning. This leads to certification as a Global Career Development Facilitator (G.C.D.F.).F) The Rhode Island Career Anchor, a magazine style publication for secondary students and adults, contains career planning and job search information and data on many occupations commonly found in Rhode Island. This publication is distributed to all high schools and many community and government agencies at no cost.G) The CRN News Corner, a quarterly newsletter, is distributed to career management professionals to provide news items and information on useful web sites and other resources.H) Additional resources and training programs are provided as needed.
WebSite: http://www.networkri.org/
How to Contact: Career Resource Network, R. I. Department of Labor and Training, 1511 Pontiac Ave., Cranston, RI 02920 telephone: 401-462-8690 fax: 401-462-8766 email: DLT.WDS@dlt.ri.gov
Rhode Island Bar Association LRE Programs
Law Related Education Lending Library Resources
Rhode Island Legal/Educational Partnership, Inc. (RILEP)
Street Law
The Courtroom Information Project
Rhode Island Career Resource Network
Southern Rhode Island Collaborative